Automatically optimize your custom fonts, local fonts, fonts over any CDN, and Google fonts for performance.
Automatically optimize your custom fonts, local fonts, fonts over any CDN, and Google fonts for performance.
Windi CSS + Astro Integrations
This component capture mouse hovering on links with internal URLs. Then, it will prefetch the HTML document beforehand.
SEO builder with jsonLDGenerator for Astro
Set of Astro components to improve the developer experience when writing pages
Get your Lucide icons right into your Astro project
Easy dark mode for Astro websites
Viewport scroll position and direction watcher. Binds states data attributes to `HTML` for further JS/CSS usage. Scroll event is throttled for performance economy.
Deploy Astro to AWS Amplify (SSR)
Astro integration for automatic image optimization
Custom elements renderer for ssr
The global variable integration for Astro 🌐
Use the Astro Simple Analytics Plugin to quickly integrate Simple Analytics in your Astro project with parameter control over several features.
A flexible, accessible pagination component for displaying links to next, previous, first, last and a window of pages in your Astro site.
Form validation library for Astro 🔥
The Reactive Form component for Astro 🔥
Astro integration that works the same way as Next.js font optimization.
Remark plugin for Astro that automatically optimizes images referenced in markdown files.
Anyone can submit an integration to Astro. If you have questions about building your own integration, join our community on Discord!
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